About Katie’s Picture:

Thanksgiving is over, my entire family except one brother ate dinner at my house, we consumed 2 turkeys and 15 pies and now it’s time for Christmas. I live in Utah. It’s no secret things can get a little religious here. In fact much of our downtown is actually owned by the LDS church which means they can put up as many nativity scenes as they want and call it Christmas and no one can stop them. People from all over go to see the lights at Temple Square and for many it’s one of their main family traditions. Since we were all in town, we figured our family would try it out. You can see free concerts, take awesome photos, freeze your butt off, and if you go the first weekend after Thanksgiving you can even know what it feels like to be part of a slow moving overly packed herd of cattle with no personal space whatsoever. The way they cover every inch of the trees with lights is mind blowing but my favorite is the floating light bubbles in this fountain along with the classy manger scene and its own reflection in the middle.

About Sadie’s Picture:

I had a tremendous Thanksgiving. For a girl who doesn’t like holidays, my last couple have been truly amazing. This year my pies, were a bit of a disaster. It was my first time cooking for a new guy I’ve met, and well, I forgot the sugar. I spent all day on Wednesday, preparing food for Thanksgiving dinner, baking and pureeing pumpkin, making pie crust. I finally got all the food done and the pies in the oven very last. Then as I was cleaning up my mess and I discovered the bowl of sugar, still measured out and not in the pie filling. I had to start all over. The second go round the pies turned out perfect, and after all, you can’t celebrate Thanksgiving without pumpkin pies.