About Katie’s Picture

I took this photo on day 5 of my backpacking trip through Buckskin Gulch and Paria Canyon. The canyon, which had started out as 15 miles of cool shady slot had long since widened up into a wide hot dusty wash. The river was no longer our trail and our feet stayed dry for the first time in 4 days. Cactus and sage replaced the lush grass and cottonwoods.  We had about 5 miles left to go, and it’d been about 10 miles since the last spring. It seemed that everything but my sweaty stinky body was dry that day.

About Sadie’s Picture

This beverage was not dry. The inside of the lodge however, was. No rain in there!!! I had no idea that they were now selling Moonshine legally until my friend Keri told me we would be procuring some for our camping trip. Holy , holy, whoa. This stuff wasn’t messing around. Simply eating a single cranberry felt like equivalent to taking a shot of the stuff. Talk about taking it easy on this “bottle” AKA mason jar. It’s legit if it is in a mason jar.